Epilogue: The Year of Moving On

On April 5th of this year I received an email from one of my employers. This email stated that – effectively immediately – I was being let go. Budget cuts, the employer explained. And just like that, 90% of my … Read More

Moving On: The European Carousel

It is 1 PM and I am lying in bed. The windows are open and the curtains are breathing. I can hear a lawn mower, the sound of one last trim before October. I stand up and I head into … Read More

Moving On: The Top 10 Posts

These are the 10 most popular installments of Moving On to date: A Murder on Park Boulevard Every Road Leads Back to Wildwood In The Cold, Cold Night The Year of Losing Dangerously Prologue: Confessions of a Teenage Cliff Diver On … Read More

Moving On: FIRE

It was the sound, and not the fire, that prompted an initial call to 9-1-1. That sound indicated a chain reaction – ba-Boom! followed by a car alarm from up the street. The boardwalk shook. Any hanging plant life rattled. A … Read More

They Came Early, They Stayed Late

On August 8th I suffer what can best be described as a complete physiological break. Among my peers, I am eager to write this off as a hangover – the ill effects of an 18-hour binge that included one bottle … Read More

Moving On: And Then There Were None

It is around this time – the second week in June – that the Irish begin arriving for the season. One can see them along the promenade, wandering 12 people deep, as if in a scrum. The females have fair … Read More

Moving On: The Turn of The Century

Talia’s eyes are closed, but she is not asleep. I am seated along the edge of the mattress, where I will remain until this beer is done. I will sleep then, waking in the afternoon. We will leave then. I … Read More

The Park Is Closed

“Good morning. My name is Bob Hill, and, if I could, I’d like to say a few words.” I am standing toward the front of an assembly, 100 people, semi-formally clothed. We are gathered along a breezeway in the Penn … Read More

Moving On: Manslaughter

By Bob Hill John Vollrath filed out of Club Kaladu along with his girlfriend and his sister. Chris and Adam Short followed suit a moment later, slipping out a north-side exit with Joseph Mader a few feet behind. The three of … Read More

A Murder on Park Boulevard

By Bob Hill “Hey, Fred.” This is what Robert Connors said. He was buzzed, but not drunk, slumped alone over a barstool at the Firehouse Tavern around 2 AM. It was the second Friday in May, a week prior to when … Read MoreRead More