They Came Early, They Stayed Late

On August 8th I suffer what can best be described as a complete physiological break. Among my peers, I am eager to write this off as a hangover – the ill effects of an 18-hour binge that included one bottle … Read More

The Park Is Closed

“Good morning. My name is Bob Hill, and, if I could, I’d like to say a few words.” I am standing toward the front of an assembly, 100 people, semi-formally clothed. We are gathered along a breezeway in the Penn … Read More

The Year of Going There (& Back Again)

The most pivotal moment for me occurred during a downpour 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. It was nightfall, April 4th, and I had driven 500 miles, my first significant jaunt behind the wheel in more than a decade. The rain … Read More

A Murder on Park Boulevard

By Bob Hill “Hey, Fred.” This is what Robert Connors said. He was buzzed, but not drunk, slumped alone over a barstool at the Firehouse Tavern around 2 AM. It was the second Friday in May, a week prior to when … Read MoreRead More


(A 7,000-mile road trip as told in words and pictures.)

Suze Rotolo: Every Picture Tells a Story

By Bob Hill (Originally published via Crawdaddy Magazine in May of 2009.) “I believe in his genius. He is an extraordinary writer, but I don’t think of him as an honorable person. He doesn’t necessarily do the right thing. But … Read More

When Bad Things Happen to Great Writers

Originally published by Crawdaddy Magazine in April of 2009, and then reprinted by Paste Magazine. “Very few people have the balls to talk about ‘rock and roll’ anymore.”Paul Williams, Crawdaddy!, May 1967 We’re all plagiarists these days—thieves in the night, stealing … Read More