These are my people. Without them, Moving On would not be the series that I had set out to write. I owe each of them. Group hug:
Sean Baker, Mike Beck, Megan Jordan Bennetta, Joe Boylan, Dave Brown, Jenny Chang, Ray DiClaudio, EJ Dougherty, Sean Dougherty, Therese Eiben, Dave Fox, Kevin Franchville, Mark Havens, Bobbi Jean Race-Heil, Pat Hill, Sam Hill, John Higgins, Mike Higgins, Stacy Gonzalez-Higgins, Jack Huff, Dave Imbrogno, Joe Kennedy, Lori Lane, Sara Lippmann, Jesse Lundy, Marci MacRone, John Manion, Joanna Martin, Alex Kinnear-McClure, Kerry McElrone, Ed McNamara, Tara Murtha, Jason Palombaro, Stacey Loke-Pelle, Bill Salerno, Trish Sammer, Michelle Sergio, Nick Sittineri, Brian Smith, Melanie Audette-Smith, Jim Stewart, Mike Strickler, Vesna Sukalo, Joey Sweeney, Gerry Vessels, Donna White, and Jen Zawacki.
The final two installments of Moving On will be posted on December 14th & 15th.
(Moving On is a regular feature on IFB)